Peking Adventures
Peking Adventures is a tourism consulting firm – consulting on tourism management, destination creation and sustainability in Kenya.
Our tour operators firm looks into customized tours and creative itineraries that takes into consideration the guests’ numbers and family/group interests.
From famous parks such as Lolldaiga Main Gate, Mount Kenya National Park, Ngare Ngare Forest, Buffalo Springs, Maasai Mara National Reserve, Amboseli National Reserve, Tsavo National Park, Samburu, Buffalo Springs, and Shaba National Reserves, we will take you there.
Whether you love hiking for amazing views, road trips, wild adventures, landscapes, there’s a little bit of everything here. So no matter what your style, this list of adventurous vacations in the Kenya will give you ideas for your next getaway!
With over a decade of tourism and travel experience we assist in develop long term and sustainable result for our patrons.
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Ol Pejeta Conservancy, one of the Big Five conservancies, is
Tsavo, the biggest park in Kenya, is divided into Tsavo
One of Kenya’s most well-liked tourist destinations is Amboseli National